Why Sell Private Label Collagen Gummy Vitamins

Why Sell Private Label Collagen Gummy Vitamins

Collagen is one of the most abundant and beneficial nutrients in the body and now consumers are finally catching on. The best part is that collagen supplements fit well within a variety of different niches. So whether your target demographic is millennials or baby boomers, collagen’s got your back.

So let’s dive in and dissect why you should sell private label collagen gummy vitamins.

Collagen Supplements: A Growing Trend

In the last few years collagen has seen a major rise in interest. The best part is that this increase in interest isn’t a random spike or a meteoric moonshot but rather a gradual increase. It has slowly and steadily crept into the mainstream.

Remember slow and steady wins the race! While there are many “hare” supplements on the market that can make money in the short-term, the tortoise outlasts the hare and makes it to the finish line. This is the kind of growth that’s the most exciting because you can get in on the action early while everyone else is putting all their money on the hare.

interest in collagen september 2020

Not only is collagen gaining more and more interest, it’s also forecasted to grow in value as well. According to Grand View Research, “The global collagen market size was estimated at USD 4.27 billion in 2018.” It’s expected to grow massively within the next six years.

U.S. Collagen Market Size Growth

Image via Grand View Research

Collagen is expected to grow for a few different applications, not just supplements. People are eager to get the benefits of collagen any way they can! That’s just another reason why private label gummy vitamins are a great option.

Private label gummy vitamins are part candy, part vitamin. They have all the appeal, taste and enjoyment of a yummy treat while providing the benefits of collagen. Your customers won’t need to force themselves to choke down giant collagen horse pills anymore. Even the most dedicated supplement user can get sick of this!

Gummy vitamins encourage regular, continued use which will keep them coming back for more sooner than hard to stomach, traditional supplements. This of course makes vitamin gummies good for cashflow and customer retention.

Health Benefits of Collagen Supplements

private label collagen gummie vitamin supplement

Collagen is the most abundant type of protein in the body. It’s a major component of connective tissue giving structure to skin, tendons, ligaments, etc. Basically collagen is what keeps us looking and feeling young.

Unfortunately as we age our bodies’ produce less collagen which results in skin, joints, bones, etc. to show signs of age as well. Some studies suggest that supplementing the bodies’ levels of collagen with vitamins can help to slow the signs of aging.

While collagen supplements are popular for anti-aging, younger generations are also starting to use them as well to enhance their current health while thinking ahead as well.

Benefits of Collagen Gummy Vitamins

  • Strengthens hair and nails
  • Fights wrinkles
  • Promotes youthful appearance
  • Supports lean muscle mass
  • Promotes healthy joints
  • Helps strengthen bones

Learn More About Private Label Collagen Gummy Vitamins