The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep

The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep

Good Night's Sleep Vitamin Gummies

Sleep is a vital part of our existence, but it can sometimes be difficult to get a good night’s sleep. In fact, 1 in 3 adults in America don’t get the right amount of sleep. That’s about 77 million people that struggle falling and staying asleep. But why is it so hard to get a good night’s sleep?

Why Can’t People Get Enough Sleep:

Benefits of Good Sleep:Benefits of a Good Night's Sleep

Adults need about 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Good sleep has more benefits than just not feeling tired the next day. Health professionals actually say that sleep is as important as exercising and eating a balanced diet, but why? Here are some reasons why sleep is important:

  • Lower Risk of Obesity – Research has shown that lack of sleep increases the risk of higher weight gains and even obesity. Less sleep means that hormones aren’t able to function properly. This leads to appetite fluctuations which means eating more than usual and lower metabolism. So getting enough sleep is vital for healthy weight management.
  • Better Cognitive Function – Getting good sleep promotes a healthy brain. Studies have shown that people that experience the proper amount of sleep have better productivity, concentration, and problem-solving skills.
  • Better Immune System – Sleep heavily influences how well the body can function. This includes the immune system. Not getting enough sleep leads to weakened immune function. In a study where participants were exposed to a common cold virus, those that slept more than 8 hours every night were three times less likely to develop a cold.

Why Sell Gummies that Promote Sleep?

The body relies on its internal clock to set a consistent sleep schedule, but sometimes that’s just not realistic. Work schedules, stress, and many other factors can make it hard to be consistent with sleep. As sleep issues become more common, so will sleep aids. Currently, it’s estimated that over 9 million Americans use some form of a sleep aid.Vitamin Gummies Sleep

Vitamin Gummies offers two different options for sleep aids. Our Sleep Well Gummies contain

  • Vitamin B6 – Helps the body produce more melatonin and serotonin to promote healthier, peaceful sleep
  • Melatonin – Adds to the body’s natural melatonin to increase drowsiness and help induce sleep
  • Passionflower Extract – Increases GABA levels that limit brain activity and help promote relaxation

Our Night Time Extreme CBD Gummies contain:

  • CBD – Interacts with the Endocannabinoid System to induce a relaxed feeling
  • Melatonin – Controls the body’s sleep-wake cycle, so ingesting helps promote levels of tiredness

We even have different formulations for our CBD gummies: one that has 25 mg of CBD with 5 mg of melatonin and one that has 10 mg of CBD with 1 mg of melatonin.

Contact Us & Start Selling Vitamin Gummies’ Sleep Aids!